Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil is currently in theaters and streaming on Shudder and AMC+. The movie stars underrated character actor David Dastmalchian and is written and directed by upcoming duo The Cairnes Bros. It centers around a late-night talk show called Night Owls that makes a creative attempt to boost ratings, have a conversation with the devil. I was very excited to see this movie and even mooched off of a friend of mine so I could watch it at home on Shudder.

The trailers to the movie made it look like it had potential to be like nothing I had seen before. I am happy to report that, for the most part, I was not disappointed. Dastmalchian's performance as the host of Night Owls was superb as was the rest of the cast and I really enjoyed the 1970s style in which the film was shot. There were times that it felt like we were in the 70s and watching it live, which I am sure was purposely done by the directors. There was a good amount of set-up to the climax of the film, and I was thinking that it could be earning an 8 or 9 out of 10 rating. Overall, I gave this film a 7.3/10 rating due in very large part to the ending. I whole heartedly agree with Jesse from Pitch Perfect when he said, "the endings are the best part!" when he was discussing movies with Beca. In my opinion, a movie can make or break any movie. Unfortunately, the ending to Late Night with the Devil almost broke it for me. I felt that we were left with many questions still unanswered, and I wish that the movie could have been just a little bit longer so the loose ends could be tied up.

Now, this movie was extremely popular, so popular in fact, that it received a theatrical release which is rare for a Shudder film and boasts an impressive 97% on rotten tomatoes. So basically, what I am saying is, I am probably in the minority when I say that this movie was a little overrated and is just pretty good rather than awesome--which is how it has been described to me.

As always, I recommend giving this movie a watch and making the decision for yourself! Feel free to comment below on your thoughts!


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