
The first installment of the next great teen-adventure franchise, Uglies, premiered on Netflix yesterday. Directed by McG and based off the book series by Scott Westerfeld, this movie takes us to a world where everyone gets an operation at age 16 to make them pretty. In this story, we see Tally, played by Joey King, who has dreamt her whole life of becoming pretty, have her eyes opened to the corruption of her seemingly perfect city.

I really liked this movie and predict that this will be the next great teen-adventure franchise. The way the story was told, and the film was shot was reminiscent of franchises like The Maze Runner or Divergent. I t love the story that Westerfeld tells here. The idea of an entire society created to fit a certain mold and going up against a group of rebels who refuse to conform is gripping and makes for a great story. The acting in this film was also very good, especially by Laverne Cox who stole the show as Dr. Cable. 

There are 4 books in Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series and they definitely left it open for a sequel. Nothing as far as a sequel has been confirmed by Netflix as of yet, but if this film is successful, I can't see them not continuing the story. 

Thanks for reading!


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