Space Cadet

Last week Prime video dropped its newest comedy Space Cadet written and directed by Liz W. Garcia and starring Emma Roberts. The movie follows Rex (Roberts), a Florida party girl who decides to follow her dream of becoming an astronaut.

Going into this movie I was not expecting it to be good but was hoping that I would enjoy it at least. Luckily, I did enjoy the movie but truthfully it sucked. I did like that the movie did not take itself seriously at all and the movie even encourages the viewer to always follow your dreams, no matter how outlandish they are. The comedy relief provided from Poppy Liu who played Rex's best friend was hilarious and Tom Hopper's performance as deputy director of NASA was great. Apart from that, the acting in the movie sucked and the story was overall pretty stupid. Even Emma Roberts' performance seemed phoned in and my wife and I both agreed that this movie seemed beneath her. 

Like I said, even though I feel that this movie stinks, I did not hate it and if you are in the mood for a mindless comedy movie that will make you laugh a little, I recommend checking this one out. 


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